Sons Need Their Dads for Validation
The left is trying to redefine masculinity. Traditionally, men have been strong, leaders, providers, virtuous, self-confident, and many other positive traits. While growing up, young boys looked up to their fathers to see what it means to be men. Young girls looked at their dads and often sought the same traits in males as they got older and began dating. Engaged fathers often brought an anchor or a balance to a child’s life. Without their dad or even, at a minimum, a positive male role model, boys are not taught how to channel their urges and desires of being wild, fierce, and adventurous.
Engaged dads know the importance of a boy going outside to get a little dinged up and “earning scars,” so to speak. They encourage the boy to go out, get hurt, be dangerous, risky, and push physical and mental limits. However, when a dad is not engaged (physically, emotionally, or psychologically), he has become a coward and walked out on his family. A young boy will not feel loved or valued, sending him down a path of potential destruction and emotional chaos.
By nature, boys are wild. They run, fight, wrestle, climb, jump ramps on bikes, climb trees, get dirty, play army, and in some cases, throw and shoot fireworks at each other (I may or may not know a little bit about this activity). All of those activities are part of being a boy. It is how we learn to play through physical pain or get scared after falling from a tree, but we understand that getting the breath knocked out of us is okay, and we will recover. Engaged fathers who want the best for their son(s) encourage their boys to push the limits and are the foundation of becoming masculine.
Sons need to know their mother loves them. Moms are often higher in compassion, which is a feminine trait. Young boys look for validation from their fathers – many times, only a masculine influence can give. While a hug and a kiss from their mom validates sons emotionally, dads validate their boys differently. And that is okay, despite what the left says.
I am not taking anything away from the reassurance that a mother brings – she is just as important. However, as I always mention, men and women bring masculine and feminine traits to their child, forming a balance critical to the psychological and emotional development of a child.
Young sons often think,” do I have what it takes to be a man?” A boy who lives in a home with either a physically absent or emotionally distant father will never get the validation they need. A positive male role model may influence a boy, but his dad can rarely be replaced deep within his soul. That is not to say a male role model cannot teach him how to be a great man. But it takes someone who has been shown to think deeply and critically to accept that his biological father may never care about him and still prosper emotionally and mentally.
If a boy is not validated at a young age and does not think he has what it takes to be a man from his father, he will look to other outlets for affirmation. In the hyper-sexual world we live in now, he will more than likely believe that sexual conquests are what makes him a man. This is extremely dangerous to him and the females he encounters – emotionally and physically.
Validation is an essential building block in a young boy’s life. It brings affirmation, emotional and mental well-being, purpose, and stability to a boy. Eventually, that boy becomes a man who is grounded – making him a great husband and outstanding father.
Never underestimate how you can influence the next generation of men. Volunteering by coaching sports or participating in a community event, but never forget one thing: Your responsibility begins at home.
As always, stay toxic to the left’s agenda.